If you're not in the Twirly Bird Directory and want to be included, or if you would like to add some comments, or make changes in your section of the directory, please print and fill out this form,  Sign,and return to:  Dennis MacBain, 2654 Hill Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95124-1734



TELEPHONE NUMBER:___________________________E-MAIL ADDRESS:__________________________

 DATE SOLOED: ______________________WHERE DID YOU SOLO?:______________________________

MANUFACTURE OF ROTORCRAFT SOLOED:_________________________________________________

MODEL ROTORCRAFT SOLOED: __________________________________________________________

It is understood and agreed upon that the TWIRLY BIRD DIRECTORY shall be used for my personal and private use only and will not be used for commercial and/or political purposes.

TWIRLY BIRD SINCE:____________________________   SIGNED:________________________________

Please don't be bashful, include comments on some of your flying experiences, expecially units/squadrons/companies  in which you served and the time frame of your service.   USE SPACE BELOW (use reverse side if needed)